The Progress Report
A newsletter for museum professionals that’s serious about audience progress but playful about the process.
- Alexa Magladry 1
- Aubrey Bergauer 1
- Ben Mosior 1
- Erin Milbeck Wilcox 2
- Isabel Singer 1
- Isabella Bruno 2
- Jennifer DePrizio 1
- Kelly Cannon 3
- Kimberlee Kiehl 1
- Krista Dahl Kusuma 1
- Kyle Bowen 159
- Lynda Kelly 1
- Nameiko Miller 1
- Rachel Ropeik 1
- Randi Korn 1
- Rebekah Harding 1
- Robert Weisberg 1
- Rosie Siemer 11
- Ruth Hartt 1
- Steve Boyd-Smith 1
- Susan Hawksworth 2
Uncovering the "Why" Behind Museum Visits: A Powerful Case Study
A case study for museum professionals looking to deeply understand audience motivations.
The solution-free space
Problem-space research delves into people's behaviors, goals, and purposes outside the context of your organization, revealing insights that can lead to new opportunities for engagement and connection.
The Frame Paints the Picture: Exploring the Difference Between Market Research and Problem-Space Research
Questions from a reader got me thinking about how small differences in how we frame a question may lead to very different places, given enough time.
The Museums as Progress Model: 2.5 Principles
Traditional market research and evaluation, which often rely on demographic segmentation, are insufficient for helping museums achieve their diversity and audience development goals, as people are primarily motivated by their goals, not their demographic characteristics.
Examining the limitations and potential consequences of relying on speculative visitor surveys during COVID-19.
What if engagement is just a byproduct of progress?
Would your organization hire a VP of Audience Progress?
Rethinking Museum Engagement During COVID-19 Closures
What if your remote engagement strategy is so successful, people no longer need to visit?
There’s a gambling phrenologist inside all of us
People cannot predict how they will behave, so let's stop asking.