The Progress Report
A newsletter for museum professionals that’s serious about audience progress but playful about the process.
- Alexa Magladry 1
- Aubrey Bergauer 1
- Ben Mosior 1
- Erin Milbeck Wilcox 2
- Isabel Singer 1
- Isabella Bruno 2
- Jennifer DePrizio 1
- Kelly Cannon 3
- Kimberlee Kiehl 1
- Krista Dahl Kusuma 1
- Kyle Bowen 159
- Lynda Kelly 1
- Nameiko Miller 1
- Rachel Ropeik 1
- Randi Korn 1
- Rebekah Harding 1
- Robert Weisberg 1
- Rosie Siemer 11
- Ruth Hartt 1
- Steve Boyd-Smith 1
- Susan Hawksworth 2
The Post-Conference Era with Robert Weisberg of Museum Human
On February 11th, Museum Human and Museums as Progress are combining forces to host a discussion on the future of museum professional gatherings. You are invited.
What Does It Mean to Be A “Member?”
Very few museums can articulate the actual purpose of their membership program. Can you?
Rethinking Museum Membership: Innovative Strategies and Models from The Membership Innovation Group
Insights from the Membership Innovation Group on alternative approaches to membership pricing, benefits, and engagement that can make museums more accessible and impactful.
Envisioning Your Ideal Visitor: A Collaborative Thought Experiment
Defining your "ideal visitor" for a specific program or offering can be challenging, but it's a powerful way to focus your efforts. Join a group exercise to explore how that ideal visitor thinks, feels, acts and what they believe about their purpose for engaging.
Permission is a muscle
By fostering permission to imagine, play, and challenge norms, museums can unlock creativity and drive meaningful change. (And it's easier to train in a secret society.)