The Progress Report
A newsletter for museum professionals that’s serious about audience progress but playful about the process.
- Alexa Magladry 1
- Aubrey Bergauer 1
- Ben Mosior 1
- Erin Milbeck Wilcox 2
- Isabel Singer 1
- Isabella Bruno 2
- Jennifer DePrizio 1
- Kelly Cannon 3
- Kimberlee Kiehl 1
- Krista Dahl Kusuma 1
- Kyle Bowen 159
- Lynda Kelly 1
- Nameiko Miller 1
- Rachel Ropeik 1
- Randi Korn 1
- Rebekah Harding 1
- Robert Weisberg 1
- Rosie Siemer 11
- Ruth Hartt 1
- Steve Boyd-Smith 1
- Susan Hawksworth 2
Song of My Self-Made Spaghetti Carbonara
As the newsletter content shifts from actionable advice to more abstract concepts, readers are finding value in discussing these ideas with colleagues and exploring their application in their work.
“I am incomplete without an understanding of your needs and choice set.”
To truly understand and engage audiences, museums must look beyond just measuring results and impact.
How are museums like car dealerships?
To meet audience needs, museums must move beyond engagement and focus on the fundamental "why".
The future won’t wait for museums.
Museums must shift focus from evaluating solutions to understanding audience goals and enabling progress.
Nary a stage without a trap
To enable progress, leaders can create environments that allow for exploration and potential missteps.
Diversity in Museums: More Than Just a Buzzword
To truly reflect their communities, museums must move beyond tokenism and embrace authentic change.